Amanda Rothstein
“I want to see my friends again.” Amanda: I want to see my friends again. Vera: You want to see your friends again? Yeah, I…
Brian Foti
“COVID has put a lot of certain things into uncertain territory.” Question: What is your story of disability? Brian: I was born in 1993. When…
Carleen Bayne
“I chant Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō for world peace” Matt: Do you feel like your faith has helped you through it all? Carleen: Oh, yes,…
Chris Dickerson
“My concern was, where would I go if I have nowhere to go?” Matt: Okay, so just to clarify, there was an outbreak. You stay…
Domenic Tribuiani
“I lost someone, one of my friends.” Vera: So, Domenic, I’m not sure about this, because we haven’t discussed this, but did you lose anyone…
Dorothy Briscoe
“I was watching on TV, and I was crying.” Joanna: What did you just do back in November for the first time? Dorothy: Yeah, Joanna…
Kevin O’Brien
“Me and my mom stayed upstairs.” Debbie: Did you ever get COVID during this? Kevin: No. Debbie: No, do you know anybody that got COVID?…
Kim Durnell
“Reading lips and masks obviously don’t work together.” Kim: So, like everyone else, she started the school virtually. Her teachers are very nice, they are…
Lisa Norton
“We’re not eating out and all that stuff. It’s very hard right now.” Betty: Your regular routine, is it still the same or did it…
Lori Verlingheiri
“I do wonder what the after effects may be.” Lori: I do wonder what the after effects may be for years, you know, the mental…
Maria Olivere
“Her being home [from school] was no way of living anymore.” Maria: So in the winter, I think it was winter. I think it was…
Nic and Gerry Arango
“Your friends all phoned in, and we played Kahoot! for your birthday.” Gerry: It was hard. Not seeing friends. Nic: Yeah. Gerry: Remember what we…
Nick Pentzell
“I have been able to express myself fully, 24/7.” Question: What challenges have you faced due to COVID-19? Nick: Facing personal fears, I am not…
Oliver Crenshaw
“I felt I would be in a compromising position medically.” Matt: Okay. And do you feel like your health was compromised due to that? Oliver:…
Ronald Owens
“They were afraid for their lives.” Matt: You were in the hospital during the outbreak as well. But it wasn’t COVID related. Is that correct?…
Shantel Torricellas
“Just stay calm.” Abigail: If you could go back and tell yourself something, like go back in time before COVID hit and tell your pre-COVID…